Our Policies

At Calmer Soul, we are committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for everyone who engages with our online wellbeing Huddles. Our policies are designed to uphold transparency, fairness, and best practices in everything we do.

Below, you will find our key policies, which outline our approach to safeguarding, equality, confidentiality, conduct, health and safety, and grievance handling. These policies ensure that all participants, staff, and volunteers understand their rights, responsibilities, and the standards we uphold.

We encourage everyone to read these policies carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

📌 Terms of Use
📌 Privacy Policy
📌 Terms and Conditions for Huddle Membership
📌 Safeguarding Policy
📌 Equality and Diversity Policy
📌 Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy
📌 Code of Conduct
📌 Health and Safety Policy
📌 Recruitment Policy for Staff and Volunteers
📌 Complaints and Grievance Policy

These policies are reviewed regularly to ensure they remain up to date and aligned with best practices.

Thank you for being part of Calmer Soul and helping us create a safe and supportive space for all.